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G.B.D. Calamari Activiteiten

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  woensdag 5 februari 19:00 - 21:00

  Willem Alexander Sportcentrum  |  Groningen, Netherlands

Dive into the Wonders of the Dutch Underwater World with G.B.D. Calamari's Underwater Biology Education 2025! 
Calling all nature enthusiasts and curious minds! Are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey beneath the surface of the Netherlands' green soup? G.B.D. Calamari is thrilled to announce the return of our Underwater Biology Education course!

In 9 Wednesday evenings of exploration, starting January 22nd, you can learn all about the Dutch underwater world. Presentations will be given by expert biologists and passionate biology students. With some hands-on practical sessions, intriguing aquarium displays and microscope adventures you will really dive deep in the underwater world. Whether you're a seasoned diver or someone with a keen interest in marine life, this course is tailor-made for you! No diving license or previous biological knowledge required—just bring your curiosity and enthusiasm.

The course price is €20, including handouts and presentations of all lessons and refreshments during the lessons. For an additional fee of €35 (determined by the Dutch Underwater sport Association, NOB), it is possible to obtain the NOB diving specialty "underwater biology". You will also receive the NOB underwater biology book.

The lessons are given in the Willem-Alexander Sports Center and the Linneausborg building in Groningen on Wednesday evenings from 7 PM to 9 PM. The first lesson is on January 22, the course lasts nine evenings in total. Questions or registration? Send an email to: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..

You can register until January 15, but full = full!

Secure your spot now and let the underwater adventure begin!



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Willem-Alexander Sportcentrum, Zernikeplein, Zernike Campus, West, Groningen, Netherlands
9747 AJ, Netherlands




Alle datums

  • Van woensdag 22 januari 19:00 tot woensdag 19 maart 21:00

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Wist je dat... met Calamari minstens vijf keer per jaar in het mooiste duikwater van Nederland duikt? Ga mee op onze duikweekenden en ontdek de Grevelingen en de Oosterschelde!