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G.B.D. Calamari Activiteiten

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October Camp

  vrijdag 17 oktober - zondag 19 oktober

  De Schelphoek  |  Serooskerke, Netherlands

!! Being present during the packing of the car on Thursday is mandatory. If you're not able to come you have to leave a remark when signing up. Letting me know after the sign-up is closed is too late !!


I bet you're very excited to join October Camp, but please read the following information before you sign up. 

In general

This is the last and nicest diving trip of the season, meaning we will be staying at 'the Schelphoek' once more. Curious to see some pictures? Visit the website of 'the Schelphoek' or take a look at our own photo album. Since this is not a training weekend, you need to have your open water diving license to dive during the weekend. The price of the camp depends on the type of transportation you choose to use (see below).

Morning transportation €135,-: The early birds gather on Friday at 8 am at “het hok”. You will be rewarded for leaving your bed this early with the option of making an extra dive. The morning crew drives the trailer safely to Zeeland and gets the groceries. Together the group will decide what they will eat that evening and the cost will be shared between these people. The price difference between the morning- and the evening transportation is because the cars are rented for a longer period of time. 

Evening transportation €130,-:  The evening group gathers on Friday at 5.30 pm at “het hok”. You can decide amongst yourselves where you will have dinner, traditionally this often is at the snack bar in Maartensdijk. Costs for this quick dinner will be at your own expense. Estimated time of arrival in Zeeland will be around 11 pm.  

Own transportation:  €120,-/ €100,-: It is also possible to travel to Zeeland by your own means. If, once in Zeeland, you decide to make use of the hired cars to travel to and from the diving spots, the price for the trip is €120,-. This price is because there needs to be a spot saved for you in the hired cars. In this case you can enroll as evening transportation and indicate in the notes that you will not be joining us on the way to Zeeland and/or the way back to Groningen. If you use your own transportation for the whole trip, the price is  €100,-.

Calamarians that make use of the morning or evening transportation will probably arrive back in Groningen in the afternoon or late evening. This depends on whether we will dive on the way back or not and will be decided among the participants of the trip. People who have their own transportation are free to decide for themselves when they leave.

Packing the trailer
On Thursday after training, around 19:30 we will pack the trailer at “het hok”. It is mandatory to be present! The trailer will be packed with diving gear and club material only. You are responsible for packing your own diving gear, so make sure to be there! You can take the rest of your luggage with you in the car the next day.

Sign up
You can sign up by clicking on the green “Register” button. After clicking on this button you indicate which club material you do/do not need, which license you have and if you have any training wishes. Let us know in the notes if you have any allergies or dietary wishes. You also have to indicate if you want to eat meat on the camp, as participants are registered as vegetarian by default. Feel free to tell us any other interesting things in the notes if you have any other interesting things to tell. The enrollment deadline is on the Friday one week before the start of the camp, at 12:00 midday. After this deadline it is not possible to cancel your participation. If you do cancel your participation after this date, the costs of the camp will still be collected. Remission of the costs because of unforeseen circumstances will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the board.  

You will receive an email with a packing list, the transport groups, and additional information in the week before we leave for Zeeland. Do not hesitate to contact the Activity Commissioner if you have any questions. 


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Schelphoek, Serooskerke, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, Netherlands
4327 SE, Netherlands




Alle datums

  • Van vrijdag 17 oktober tot zondag 19 oktober

Powered by iCagenda



Wist je dat... met Calamari minstens vijf keer per jaar in het mooiste duikwater van Nederland duikt? Ga mee op onze duikweekenden en ontdek de Grevelingen en de Oosterschelde!