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Groningen, Netherlands
Take a plunge into the depths of scuba diving with the famous annual Blubquiz! Test your knowledge of silly creatures, ocean life and scuba diving adventures in a fun-filled pub quiz. Join the Science Committee for an evening of aquatic trivia, where you'll explore the wonders of the sea while enjoying great company and drinks. You’ll be assigned to a team, so that all teams are balanced with old and new members. The Blubquiz will be held on March 22nd 19:30 at the Kroeg van Klaas. So sign up, grab a pint, and dive into the ultimate underwater quiz experience!
There's a limit of 25 registrations, so make sure to sign up quickly!
Powered by iCagenda ook lid kunt worden als je al een brevet van PADI, SSI, IDD, of een andere internationale organisatie hebt? Je kunt zelfs gewoon verder met een aansluitende opleiding. Iedereen is welkom!